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We are delighted to invite fintech leaders and mobile banking professionals to our upcoming webinar on Mastering Security for Fintech Mobile Applications: Advanced Strategies

During this session, Apriorit experts Maksym Itskovych, Fintech Program Manager, and Lidiia Mandrovna, VP of Innovation and Technology, will provide an in-depth guide to modern practices of mobile app security for fintech. They will discuss critical issues such as data protection, risk scoring and fraud prevention, platform-specific challenges, and third-party integration risks.

With the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, securing mobile apps and sensitive data is a top priority for fintech projects. This webinar will empower you with advanced insights and practical solutions needed to build a secure, compliant, and user-loved fintech mobile application.

Apriorit experts will discuss the following topics:

  • Main security risks in fintech
  • The core components of fintech app security
  • Risk scoring and the cost of risk
  • Data security essentials: data in rest, data in use, and data in transit
  • Secure development environment: obfuscation, secure data logging, rooted devices, and man-in-the-middle attack prevention
  • Platform-specific considerations: iOS and Android
  • Securing third-party integrations: authentication, cryptography tools, payment systems, libraries, SDKs, and NFC safety
  • Use cases of fintech mobile app security from Aprioritโ€™s expertise

Our Speakers


Head of Fintech Program at Apriorit


VP of Innovation and Technology at Apriorit

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