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Leverage Apriorit’s expertise to fortify your blockchain

At Apriorit, we know blockchain security from A to Z. Take advantage of our extensive expertise in security auditing to:

  • Get a deep and expert assessment of your current solution
  • Learn about all potential vulnerabilities andissues before hackers do
  • Get a list of recommendations on mitigating cybersecurity risks
  • Increase trust in your organization and get a competitive edge

Multi-layered blockchain security assessment

Our seasoned engineers have developed a comprehensive set of audit techniques and proactive measures.

Threat modeling

Identify potential risks and vulnerabilities, ensuring proactive measures for robust lockchain security.

Code review and analysis

Uncover weaknesses and ensure the integrity of your blockchain solutions through static, dynamic, and other types of code analysis.

Architectural analysis

Evaluate your system design and get recommendations on a secure foundation for your blockchain infrastructure.

Penetration testing

Probe and exploit potential vulnerabilities, and fortify your blockchain against real-world security threats.

Whitepaper consistency check

Verify alignment between the blockchain’s design and documentation, ensuring integrity and transparency.

Test coverage analysis

Assess the extent of code covered by tests, bolstering the reliability and resilience of your blockchain system.

Types of products we audit

Weaudit a spectrum of blockchain products for ultimate security.

Smart contracts

Crypto wallets

Blockchain platforms


How we approach blockchain auditing

With years of experience, our refined approach ensures a meticulous blockchain audit process that keeps our clients ahead in their product security.

Find a reliable partner that will lead you through blockchain security challenges and give you confidence in your product’s security.

Key technologies we work with

Apriorit engineers have developed an ultimate toolset for comprehensive auditing.

Development frameworks and environments

Analyzers and linters

Blockchain networks


Mobile app languages

  • Truffle
  • OpenZeppelin
  • Hardhat
  • MetaMask
  • Ganache
  • Solo Chain
  • Hyperledger Caliper
  • JMeter

Industries we serve

Get an audit that reflects the unique needs and standards of your industry, and ensure robust protection and compliance for your product.

Don’t see your industry on the list? Not an issue — our 20+ years of experience equip us to customize security solutions for any sector.

Why choose Apriorit as your blockchain security auditor?

Our blockchain development experts provide a full range of blockchain-related services and guarantee that every solution offers a flawless experience.

Deep blockchain expertise

Transparent workflow and communication

High performance and deadline compliance

Mature delivery process

Focus on cybersecurity

Our clients’ success stories

What our clients say about us


What is a blockchain security audit?

<p>A blockchain security audit is a comprehensive analysis of a company’s blockchain infrastructure, smart contracts, and associated technologies. The goal of a blockchain audit is to identify potential vulnerabilities and provide recommendations on improving the security posture of a blockchain system to make it more robust and resilient.</p>
At Apriorit, we use various types of blockchain security testing and analysis, including penetration testing, to make sure we cover each part of your blockchain system. This allows us to provide accurate recommendations that let our clients safeguard their sensitive data and enhance the trustworthiness of their blockchain solution for clients, investors, and stakeholders

When do you need a blockchain security audit?

A blockchain security audit is crucial at various stages of a project’s lifecycle, and especially in these three cases:

<ul class=apriorit-list-markers-green>
<li><b>You are preparing to enter the market.</b> Before going live, your blockchain system needs a complete security check that will allow you to proactively protect it from vulnerabilities and gain trust among future users..</li>
<li><b>You have detected malicious activity.</b> An audit can help you quickly uncover and rectify security issues before they lead to reputational and technical damage.</li>
<li><b>You’ve implemented a major update.</b> An audit will help you ensure that your blockchain system security measures are intact and provide continuous protection against threats.</li>

How much do blockchain security audits cost?

<p>The <a href=/dev-blog/blockchain-app-development-cost>cost of a blockchain security audit</a> is influenced by various factors, including the complexity of the blockchain network, documentation quality, and the extent of test coverage. At Apriorit, we tailor our pricing to your project needs and break down the cost in detail.</p>

If you’d like to get a quote, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will promptly estimate your project and find the best option for your needs.

What services does a blockchain audit include?

<p> Our team audits the security of blockchain-based solutions by conducting code reviews, penetration testing, infrastructure security checks, threat modeling, and other types of analysis. We also check if your blockchain system works according to the documentation.</p>

Based on the results, Apriorit’s blockchain security auditors provide a detailed audit report that covers our methodology, discovered vulnerabilities, and recommendations for eliminating them.

What blockchain platforms do you work with?

We have expertise with various blockchain networks: Ethereum, <a href=/case-studies/738-blockchain-tezos-wallet-and-dapp-audit>Tezos</a>, Solana, <a href=/dev-blog/562-suspicious-ethereum-transactions>EVM-based</a> platforms, Bitcoin, and <a href=/dev-blog/620-blockchain-hyperledger-fabric-concepts-deployment>Hyperledger</a>. However, thanks to our rich experience, our experts are able to conduct a blockchain security audit for any solution on any blockchain platform.

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